Video Library

Disconnecting the parenteral nutrition infusion for children at home: An ERNICA animation
Published: 12-19-2023
ERNICA Research Collaboration - Mental health of parents in the context of EA/TOF
Published: 12-19-2023
Los catéteres centrales de inserción periférica pueden ser una alternativa a los catéteres venosos centrales tunelizados en quimioterapia para pacientes pediátricos hematológicos y oncológicos
Published: 12-13-2023
QUAD #1: Cervical Tracheopexy with Dr. Alessandro de Alarcon
Published: 12-13-2023
Peripherally inserted central catheters can be an alternative to tunneled central venous catheters in chemotherapy for hematological and oncological pediatric patients
Published: 12-13-2023
Quick Literature Updates Episode 14
Published: 12-11-2023
Update Course Rewind: Ovarian Torsion Management 2023
Published: 12-07-2023
Una mayor cantidad de reducción del cabello mediante láser se correlaciona con una menor probabilidad de recurrencia en pacientes con enfermedad pilonidal
Published: 12-06-2023
Increasing Amount of Hair Reduction using Laser Correlates with Lower Probability of Recurrence in Patients with Pilonidal Disease
Published: 12-06-2023
Guías APSA actualizadas para el tratamiento de lesiones contusas del hígado y del bazo
Published: 11-29-2023
Updated APSA Guidelines for the Management of Blunt Liver and Spleen Injuries
Published: 11-29-2023
Reparación tardía versus temprana de la hernia inguinal en bebés prematuros
Published: 11-22-2023
Delayed versus early repair of inguinal hernia in preterm infants
Published: 11-22-2023
Transition of Care - A general overview by Silja Kosolove
Published: 11-15-2023
Transition of Care - Parent-child interactions
Published: 11-15-2023
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