Video Library

Is Multi-disciplinary care the future of medicine?
Published: 10-03-2023
Trauma Abdominal Cerrado con el Dr. Raphael Parrado
Published: 09-29-2023
Journal of Pediatric Article Review: June 2023, AAP Issue
Published: 09-28-2023
Early Peritoneal Dialysis and Postoperative Outcomes in Infants After Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
Published: 09-27-2023
Intestinal Rehabilitation, Episode 7: Refeeding in a neonatal patient
Published: 09-21-2023
Manejo del neumotórax primario espontáneo en niños
Published: 09-20-2023
Management of Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax in Children
Published: 09-20-2023
Vascular Rings with Dr. Carl Backer
Published: 09-14-2023
Chest Tube Management following Lung Resection in Pediatric patients
Published: 09-13-2023
Case-Based Journal Review: G-Tube & Fundoplication for GERD 2023
Published: 09-07-2023
Realimentación de Fistula Mucosa en Neonatos: Una revisión sistemática con meta-análisis
Published: 09-06-2023
Mucous fistula refeeding in neonates: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Published: 09-06-2023
Journal of Pediatric Surgery Article Review: May 2023, CAPS Issue
Published: 08-31-2023
Update Course 2023 - Who to Send Home from the OR
Published: 08-30-2023
Update Course 2023 - Top Disruptive Technologies in Healthcare
Published: 08-30-2023
355 results