Applying an explainable machine learning model might reduce the number of negative appendectomies in pediatric patients with a high probability of acute appendicitis
Published: 08-26-2024
Introduction of a Warming Bundle to Reduce Hypothermia in Neonatal Surgical Patients
Published: 08-26-2024
Association of Exclusive Breast Milk Intake and Outcomes in Infants With Uncomplicated Gastroschisis: A National Cohort Study
Published: 08-19-2024
Volumen testicular en la pubertad en niños con criptorquidia congénita aleatorizados a tratamiento en diferentes edades
Published: 07-30-2024
Cuidado de transición en malformación anorrectal y enfermedad de Hirschsprung
Published: 07-30-2024
Testicular volume at puberty in boys with congenital cryptorchidism randomised to treatment at different ages
Published: 07-29-2024
Transitional Care in Anorectal Malformation and Hirschsprung's Disease
Published: 07-29-2024
Exploración laparoscópica trancística del conducto biliar común en pacientes pediátricos con coledocolitiasis