Video Library

Novedoso indice para estimar la extensión cefalocaudal del hundimiento esternal en el pectus excavatum: El Índice Titanic
Published: 05-03-2023
Atresia de Vias Biliares - Resumen de la 5ta sesión Nacional de Residentes de Mexico
Published: 05-03-2023
Novel index to estimate the cephalocaudal extent of the excavation in pectus excavatum - JPS article
Published: 05-03-2023
Quick Literature Updates Episode 5
Published: 05-01-2023
Update Course Rewind: Intraoperative Radiation Safety 2022
Published: 04-27-2023
El colon por enema de rutina previo al cierre de ostomía parece ser requerido sólo luego de una enterocolitis necrotizante: Una evaluacion de la precision diagnostica del colon por enema
Published: 04-26-2023
Routine contrast enema prior to stoma reversal seems only required following treatment for necrotizing enterocolitis: An evaluation of the diagnostic accuracy of the contrast enema
Published: 04-26-2023
Colorectal Quiz Episode 37: The Yancey-Soave story of the original surgical descriptions for Hirschsprung disease
Published: 04-25-2023
Evento IPEG LATAM Latinos por el mundo: Segundo Módulo
Published: 04-20-2023
Pancreatic Tumors. Presented by David Skarda, MD 04.10.23
Published: 04-20-2023
Evento IPEG LATAM Latinos por el mundo: Primer Módulo
Published: 04-20-2023
Journal of Pediatric Surgery Article Review: February 2023, BAPS issue
Published: 04-20-2023
El cuidado perioperatorio estandarizado reduce las infecciones del sitio quirúrgico en niños
Published: 04-19-2023
Standardized perioperative care reduces colorectal surgical site infection in children
Published: 04-18-2023
Quick Literature Updates Episode 4
Published: 04-17-2023
355 results