Video Library

Bailey Roberts, MD - Best of the Best in Pediatric Surgery 2024
Published: 02-26-2024
Yuichiro Miyake, MD - Best of the Best in Pediatric Surgery 2024
Published: 02-26-2024
Dominique Simons, MSc - Best of the Best in Pediatric Surgery 2024
Published: 02-26-2024
Heat 1 Winner: Dariusz Patkowski, MD, PhD - Best of the Best in Pediatric Surgery 2024
Published: 02-26-2024
Johana Sosa Jurado, MD - Best of the Best in Pediatric Surgery 2024
Published: 02-26-2024
Dariusz Patkowski, MD, PhD - Best of the Best in Pediatric Surgery 2024
Published: 02-26-2024
Toshio Harumatsu, MD, PhD - Best of the Best in Pediatric Surgery 2024
Published: 02-26-2024
Prof. Shilpa Sharma - Best of the Best in Pediatric Surgery 2024
Published: 02-26-2024
Introduction - Best of the Best in Pediatric Surgery 2024
Published: 02-26-2024
Update Course Rewind: Updates in Indocyanine Green (ICG) 2023
Published: 02-22-2024
El papel de la ostomía durante la creación del Pouch ileal coon anastomosis anal (IPAA) en la colitis ulcerosa pediátrica - JPS
Published: 02-21-2024
The Role of Diversion During Ileal Pouch Anal Anastomosis (IPAA) Creation in Pediatric Ulcerative Colitis - JPS
Published: 02-21-2024
Update Course Rewind: Firearm Screening 2023
Published: 02-15-2024
Biopsia quirúrgica o con aguja guiada por imágenes para el diagnóstico de neuroblastoma en niños
Published: 02-14-2024
Image-guided core-needle or surgical biopsy for neuroblastoma diagnosis in children
Published: 02-14-2024
354 results